Mission Mended Hearts is a foster home based rescue in the Indianapolis, IN area. We are dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation...Adoption Policy Interested in one...
Mission Most of the time, the dogs are housed at Lucky Dog Retreat, a daycare, boarding and training facility on Indy's...Adoption Policy Our only 'deal...
Mission IndyHumanes mission is to improve animal welfare in central Indiana. We are committed to ending the cycle of pet overpopulation,...Adoption Policy Those interested in...
Mission Rescue. Rehabilitate. Adopt.Adoption Policy You much be at least 21 years of age to adopt an animal from The PAWSitivity Project. Completing an application...
Mission We improve the lives of domestic rabbits through the coordination of local volunteer-driven Education, Rescue, and Adoption efforts in Indiana....Adoption Policy The IHRS has...
Mission We are dedicated to preserving the lives, health and welfare of Newfoundland's. Our organization covers the multi-state territory defined as...Adoption Policy A $400.00 donation...
Mission Sketchy Mutts and Underdogs is a 501c3 non-profit, all-volunteer organization, located in the Indianapolis metro area. We are dedicated to...Adoption Policy